Cornfields Impressionistic Landscape

from $13.95

This beautiful, impressionist landscape depicts a serene scene in the early morning in the American heartland.

Printed on your choice of canvas, Giclee fine art bamboo paper, or standard print, this piece will bring warmth to any home. This image is available for the following products: Canvas Prints, Giclee Fine Art Prints, Prints & Posters

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This beautiful, impressionist landscape depicts a serene scene in the early morning in the American heartland.

Printed on your choice of canvas, Giclee fine art bamboo paper, or standard print, this piece will bring warmth to any home. This image is available for the following products: Canvas Prints, Giclee Fine Art Prints, Prints & Posters

This beautiful, impressionist landscape depicts a serene scene in the early morning in the American heartland.

Printed on your choice of canvas, Giclee fine art bamboo paper, or standard print, this piece will bring warmth to any home. This image is available for the following products: Canvas Prints, Giclee Fine Art Prints, Prints & Posters

Prints do not include frames.


What Are Giclee Prints?

The term Giclee was coined in 1991 by printmaker Jack Duganne. Giclee is a French term meaning “to spray,” which refers to how the inkjet printer works, providing a higher image detail than traditional photographic printing.

We use Hahnemühle Bamboo 290: a smooth, matte paper made with sustainable bamboo fibers.


What is the difference between Regular Prints and Giclee Fine Art Prints?

The two products, although similar and both archival, use very different technologies to be created. Regular prints use chemicals and light to expose the image on the paper. Giclee Fine Art prints use an inkjet process on heavier, textured paper.

Abandoned 1955 Sedan
from $25.95
Old Sedan in a Pond
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Desert Landscape No. 1
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Storm and Flowers No. 1
from $32.95