Dream Prints

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<subject, action, place>, circa <year>




  • Adding the word “circa” followed by a year will magically render images that adopt the style of that year.

  • For years that occurred before the advent of photography, images will be rendered in the style of that period and place.

  • Adding “photography of” at the beginning of the prompt will force the results to be photographic even if the year is prior to the 19th century.


  1. a futuristic rocketship on the planet Mars, circa 1902

  2. a motorcar parked on a New York street, circa 1920

  3. a lovely young woman walking through the streets of Philadelphia, circa 1790

  4. a dancer at the disco, circa 1976

  5. a farmer tending his fields, circa 1400

  6. a setting for tea, circa 1890

  7. an American soldier walking with his platoon on a road in Vietnam, circa 1968

  8. a man smiling and petting his irish setter dog, circa 1953